Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The DOE shall determine whether the monitoring of parameters related to the GHG emissions reductions in the project activity has been implemented in accordance with the monitoring plan contained in the registered PDD36 or any accepted revised monitoring plan (VVS Ver. 7 para 278).
Issue: "The applied methodology ACM0002 version 12 requires that the monitoring parameter “APJ” (Area of the reservoir measured in) the surface of the water, after the implementation of the project activity, when the reservoir is full) shall be yearly measured from topographical surveys, maps, satellite pictures, etc, after the implementation of the project activity, when the reservoir is full. However, the monitoring report (section D.2) and verification report (p 16) state that " The reservoir area of the small hydropower plants was monitored through topographical data in the location of the project activity (made once during the project design) and the reservoir level, which is continuously monitored by project sponsor. The monitoring of reservoir level is done by the Project Participant". Further information is required on how the DOE has verified the monitoring parameter “APJ” for each hydropower plant in line with the applied methodology."

2: Scope: The DOE shall determine whether the calibration of those measuring equipments that have an impact on the claimed emission reductions is conducted by the project participants at a frequency specified in the applied monitoring methodology, the applied standardized baseline and/or the monitoring plan (VVS Ver 7. para. 282)
Issue: PP/DOE shall provide the details of the calibration meters used to monitor the parameter “TEGy - Total electricity produced by the project activity, including the electricity supplied to the grid and the electricity supplied to internal loads, in year y.

3: Scope: The DOE shall assess the data and calculations of GHG emission reductions achieved by/resulting from the project activity by the application of the selected methodology and, where applicable, the selected standardized baseline (VVS. Ver. 7 para 289. In particular, the DOE shall further clarify:

i) How the discount factor due to the delayed calibration was conservatively applied in the in the values of the imported electricity of each hydropower plant?. (ER spreadsheet, in particular CER sheet).

ii) The inconsistencies in the values presented in the ER spreadsheet, in particular CER sheet cells: D15 and D55, D35 and D73, J15 and J55, J16 and J56, P15 and P55, V15 and V55, V16 and V56.

iii) The inconsistency in the EGpj values presented in the ER spreadsheet, in particular the values provided in the CER sheet and EGpj,h-Consolidated sheet.

4: Scope: Where the changes are identified by or submitted to the DOE contracted to conduct the verification, the DOE shall determine whether the changes are solely of a type(s) listed in appendix 1 of the Project standard and

(a) In such cases, the DOE shall submit the changes as part of the request for issuance in accordance with the Project cycle procedure;
(b) In all other cases, the DOE shall submit the changes via the request for approval of post registration changes process of the Project cycle procedure.

(VVS ver. 7 Section 9.5)
Issue: Verification report pages 6, 7 and 23 states that during the site visit inconsistency between installed capacity reported in the registered PDD and the actual specification of the installed equipment in the SHPP, were identified. However, no Post Registration of Changes has been submitted with this request for issuance. The DOE shall report how it has complied with the Post registration changes requirements. (VVS Ver. 7 section 9.5)