Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE shall determine whether the calculations of baseline GHG emissions or baseline net GHG removals, project GHG emissions or actual net GHG removals, and leakage GHG emissions have been carried out in accordance with the formulae and methods described in the registered monitoring plan, the applied methodologies, the applied standardized baselines and the other applied methodological regulatory documents (paragraph 373 (c) of VVS for PA version 2).
The DOE states in the response to the request for issuance incomplete that the application of 20% of TDL in the baseline emission is conservative compared to the figures for 1998-2009 from “Sectoral Report about the evolution of the distribution and trading of the electric energy in Colombia, Balance of Events and Statistics 1998 – 2010” issued in 2011 and the figure for 2003-2013 from “Reference Expansion Plan, Generation and Transmission 2004 – 2018” issued in 2004 and confirmed by the validation DOE during the renewal of crediting period and the verification DOE during the 1st verification assessment of the 2nd crediting period. The DOE is required to provide further clarification/justification on how it has justified the application of 20% TDL in the baseline emission as per the applied tool which states that “Use as default values of 20% for baseline electricity consumption sources if the electricity consumption by all project and leakage electricity consumption sources to which scenario A or scenario C (cases C.I or C.III) applies is larger than the electricity consumption of all baseline electricity consumption sources to which scenario A or scenario C (cases C.I or C.III) applies.”

2: The DOE shall raise a CAR if one of the following situations occur issues identified in a FAR during the validation to be verified during the verification or the previous verification(s) have not been resolved by the project participants.(paragrpah 344 (d) of VVS for PA version 2)
The DOE raised CL 7 regarding the parameter EFgrid,CM,ex-ante by stating that "the reported value (0.2745 tCO2 / MWh) does not agree neither with the one reported at the registered PDD, nor with the one used at the ER calculation spreadsheet (0.4972 tCO2 / MWh)." However, the DOE raised FAR 1 to correct “the appropriate application of the weighting of operating margin emission factor and weighting of build margin emission factor” as per the paragraph 84 and 85 of the applied tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system in the revised verification report (09/08/2018, version 0.3.0) submitted during the request for review process for the request issuance covering the period of 01 Apr 17 - 30 Sep 17. Further, the ruling note for request for issuance for “Dona Juana landfill gas-to-energy project” covering the monitoring period of 1 April 2017 – 30 September 2017 on 3 October 2018 clearly states that "The DOE has failed to request PRC for the corrections made to the weighting of operating margin emissions factor and weighting of build margin." The DOE is required to provide further clarification on why it did not raise a CAR to address the FAR raised in the previous request for issuance.

3: The DOE shall report a conclusion on the verified amount of GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals achieved (paragraph 395 of VVS for PA).
"3. Emission Reductions" sheet of the spreadsheet of"2554_WIP BDJ-CDM CALCULATION RESUME" shows that the total emission reduction is 517,114 tCO2 based on the total baseline emissions for methane destroyed and electricity generated of 517,314 tCO2 and the project emission of 200 tCO2. The monitoring report (p 58) states that the total emission reduction is 513,541 tCO2 based on the baseline emissions for methane destroyed of 510,573 tCO2 and the baseline emissions for electricity generated of 3,168 tCO2 and the project emission of 200 tCO2. The Certification Statement (p 40 of the verification report) states "Baseline emissions: 517,741 tCO2" and the verification report (p 37) states the amount of the baseline emission as "513,541 tCO2". The PP/DOE is required to rectify all inconsistencies in the amount of the emission reductions including baseline emissions claimed for this monitoring period among the verification report, the monitoring report and all spreadsheets submitted in the request for issuance.