03:54 07 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Scope: The verification report does not provide an assessment on how it has validated that the measurements beyond the calibrated range of monitoring equipments have no material impact over the total emission reductions.
Issue: The DOE shall substantiate the appropriateness of considering the measurements which were beyond the calibration range in the calculation of emission reductions, i.e. the parameters NCSG and VSG. In doing so, the DOE shall provide more details on how it has concluded that the accuracy of these values have no material impact over the total emission reductions.
Please refer to paragraph 238 of VVS version 4.
Scope: The verification report does not provide an assessment on how it has validated that the measurements beyond the calibrated range of monitoring equipments have no material impact over the total emission reductions.
Issue: The DOE shall substantiate the appropriateness of considering the measurements which were beyond the calibration range in the calculation of emission reductions, i.e. the parameters NCSG and VSG. In doing so, the DOE shall provide more details on how it has concluded that the accuracy of these values have no material impact over the total emission reductions.
Please refer to paragraph 238 of VVS version 4.
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