Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE has validated a temporary deviation for the parameter “quantity of compost produced (Mcompost)” which was considered as 20% of the processed waste (Wx). However, it is observed that the considered value of the processed waste (31,662 tons) represents the lower bound value due to a delay in calibration. The DOE is requested to provide information to clarify compliance with the PS-PA para 231 (b)-(ii) which requires to apply the values assuming that the source of GHG emissions is operated at the maximum capacity (the registered PDD (page 42) indicates maximum processed capacity of 91,250 tons/year and 45,964.90 Tons (current monitoring period) in the case Mysore site).

2: For Mysore site, the trend in on-site diesel combustion is observed to be as follows: registered PDD (73,000 Litres/year based on the detailed project report), MP07 (51,350 Litres for 365 days), MP08 (47,670 litres for 365 days), MP09 (43,080 litres for 365 days), MP10 (11, 078 litres for 365 days), and current MP11 (5,958 Litres for 178 days). It is further observed that the “Total amount of organic waste prevented from disposal (Wx)” is same for an equivalent number of days across the monitoring periods. The DOE has verified that the diesel consumption was cross-checked from monthly purchase receipts. The DOE is requested to provide further information on how the diesel consumption was verified considering the decreasing trend over subsequent monitoring periods. Please refer to the VVS-PA paragraphs 319 (c) and 322 (b).