Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Scope: The revised PDD does not contain a description of the corrections to project information and specify how it is in accordance with Appendix 1 of the Project Standard? (PS v1, para 209)
Issue: The DOE is requested to (1) clarify the inconsistencies in the revised PDD given that the capacity of both the gas engines has been changed to 2 x 1.063 MW in the project description in section A.1. of the revised PDD, whereas the other sections of the PDD still states the capacity to be 2 x 1 MW; and (2) provide a validation opinion on the impact of such change in the capacity of the gas engines on the investment analysis in line with para 6 (b) of Appendix 1 of Project Standard version 07.0. In doing so, the DOE shall reflect the analysis of the changes in a revised IRR calculation spreadsheet and in the additionality section of the PDD.