Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE shall determine whether the changes to the registered
monitoring plan described in the revised PDD are in compliance with the applied methodologies, standardized baselines and other applied standards or tools, and do not reduce the level of accuracy of
the monitoring compared with the requirements contained in the registered monitoring plan. Please refer to VVS PA v1.0 paragraph 297.
In page 15 of validation report, the DOE has validated that a default value of 0.5 has been applied by the parameter CCshrub.i as per AR-AM Tool 14. However, as per AR-AM Tool 14 v04.2 page 22, the default value of 0.5 is applicable when the land is subjected to periodic cycles. The DOE is requested to further substantiate how the condition is met.

2: The DOE shall justify any assumptions in emission or removal calculations. Please refer to VVS PA v1.0 paragraph 376(d).
The DOE is requested to further substantiate how it has verified the appropriateness of allometric equation for Pinus caribaea, considering that two regression equations for the same specie with overlapping DAP range are used for Pinus caribaea.