07:23 09 Dec 24
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Scope: The verification report does not provide an assessment on whether the calibration of measuring equipments was conducted at a frequency specified in applied monitoring methodology or EB guidance if applicable, and/or the monitoring plan (VVS v2, para 243)
The validation report (page 26) states that the calibration of power meters were done once in two years (relevant calibration dates : 05/07/2008 and 15/04/2010) whereas the revised monitoring plan requires to calibrate the meters annually. Hence, the maximum permissible error of 0.5% has been deducted to the electricity data used in the ER calculation spreadsheet as the calibration validity of meters does not cover the entire monitoring period. However, the ER calculation spreadsheet (Tab Raw Data_Column H,I and J) does not transparently show how the maximum permissible error of meters (0.5%) has been used to correct the values for parameter "El" (Electricity generated from the biogas collected in the anaerobic treatment facility and consumed on site or sent to the grid. Hence, the DOE is requested to clarify this. Furthermore, it is also observed that the monitoring report (page 10) does not report on all the relevant dates of previous calibration done for the power meters
Scope: The verification report does not provide an assessment on whether the calibration of measuring equipments was conducted at a frequency specified in applied monitoring methodology or EB guidance if applicable, and/or the monitoring plan (VVS v2, para 243)
The validation report (page 26) states that the calibration of power meters were done once in two years (relevant calibration dates : 05/07/2008 and 15/04/2010) whereas the revised monitoring plan requires to calibrate the meters annually. Hence, the maximum permissible error of 0.5% has been deducted to the electricity data used in the ER calculation spreadsheet as the calibration validity of meters does not cover the entire monitoring period. However, the ER calculation spreadsheet (Tab Raw Data_Column H,I and J) does not transparently show how the maximum permissible error of meters (0.5%) has been used to correct the values for parameter "El" (Electricity generated from the biogas collected in the anaerobic treatment facility and consumed on site or sent to the grid. Hence, the DOE is requested to clarify this. Furthermore, it is also observed that the monitoring report (page 10) does not report on all the relevant dates of previous calibration done for the power meters
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