17:44 03 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The project participants shall identify any proposed or actual changes to the implementation, operation or monitoring of the registered CDM project activity. (para 229 of PS for PA version 2)
The revised PDD in track-change version shows that the revised PDD was prepared from the PDD version 3 with the completion date of 04/03/2021 while the registered PDD in the project view page (https://cdm.unfccc.int/Projects/DB/DNV-CUK1352368307.07/view?cp=1) is version 02.4 with the date of 23 October 2012.
2: The project participants shall identify any proposed or actual changes to the implementation, operation or monitoring of the registered CDM project activity. (para 229 of PS for PA version 2)
The DOE (p 8) states that 1) "PP modified the section B.7.1 as calibration frequency of once in three years has been removed from further consideration for the parameters “X” and “Y” since the WTG controller meters are factory calibrated and does not require further calibration"; 2) "PP updated the contact information of project participants in Appendix 1" However, the track change version of the PDD submitted does not show these change and the DOE did not provide any validation opinion on the change in the appendix 1.
3: The DOE shall apply the requirements in section 7.1.3 above mutatis mutandis to validate the information provided by the project participants (para 276 of VVS for PA version 2).
1) The DOE states that the change in calibration frequency of the parameters “X” and “Y” from once in three years to no calibration required is acceptable "since the WTG controller meters are factory calibrated and does not require further calibration." However, the validation report submitted in the registration states that "the controller meters shall be calibrated once in three years by the O&M service provider." Therefore, the DOE is required to provide further information on how it validated no calibration was required by providing relevant documents since the reference list does not contain any relevant information that the DOE crosschecked/reviewed.
2) The DOE states that "PP made modification in sec. B.3 regarding metering arrangement as per current site practice." The DOE is required to provide further information on when this change was occurred since i) the monitoring report submitted for this request for issuance (p 8) contains the line diagram from the registered PDD (not from the revised PDD submitted) and ii) the completed request for issuance covering the monitoring period of 01 Jan 2017 - 28 Feb 2019 did not show any change in the monitoring.
4: For each parameter, the project participants shall describe the equipment used to monitor each parameter, including details on accuracy class, and calibration information (frequency, date of calibration and validity), if applicable as per the registered monitoring plan (para 261(b) of PS for PA version 2)
The monitoring report and the verification report do not provide full calibration records such as calibration records of the meters located in the substation which are used for the monitoring of "A" and "B" considering that the monitoring report/the verification report submitted for the previous monitoring period (01/01/2017 to 28/02/2019) provided the calibration records for the main and the backup meter in 33KV line (RJB74505 and RJB74506).
The column Z of "ER calculation" sheet represents "Y" (Gross Electricity generated by WTGs of the project activity) from 1st of a month to 1st of following month (for example, 1/Mar/19-1/April/19). However, individual column Z (Z6-Z24) shows the sum of each month from "Controller data" sheet (for example, 1/Mar/19-31/Mar/19). The PP/DOE is required to clarify this inconsistency.
1: The project participants shall identify any proposed or actual changes to the implementation, operation or monitoring of the registered CDM project activity. (para 229 of PS for PA version 2)
The revised PDD in track-change version shows that the revised PDD was prepared from the PDD version 3 with the completion date of 04/03/2021 while the registered PDD in the project view page (https://cdm.unfccc.int/Projects/DB/DNV-CUK1352368307.07/view?cp=1) is version 02.4 with the date of 23 October 2012.
2: The project participants shall identify any proposed or actual changes to the implementation, operation or monitoring of the registered CDM project activity. (para 229 of PS for PA version 2)
The DOE (p 8) states that 1) "PP modified the section B.7.1 as calibration frequency of once in three years has been removed from further consideration for the parameters “X” and “Y” since the WTG controller meters are factory calibrated and does not require further calibration"; 2) "PP updated the contact information of project participants in Appendix 1" However, the track change version of the PDD submitted does not show these change and the DOE did not provide any validation opinion on the change in the appendix 1.
3: The DOE shall apply the requirements in section 7.1.3 above mutatis mutandis to validate the information provided by the project participants (para 276 of VVS for PA version 2).
1) The DOE states that the change in calibration frequency of the parameters “X” and “Y” from once in three years to no calibration required is acceptable "since the WTG controller meters are factory calibrated and does not require further calibration." However, the validation report submitted in the registration states that "the controller meters shall be calibrated once in three years by the O&M service provider." Therefore, the DOE is required to provide further information on how it validated no calibration was required by providing relevant documents since the reference list does not contain any relevant information that the DOE crosschecked/reviewed.
2) The DOE states that "PP made modification in sec. B.3 regarding metering arrangement as per current site practice." The DOE is required to provide further information on when this change was occurred since i) the monitoring report submitted for this request for issuance (p 8) contains the line diagram from the registered PDD (not from the revised PDD submitted) and ii) the completed request for issuance covering the monitoring period of 01 Jan 2017 - 28 Feb 2019 did not show any change in the monitoring.
4: For each parameter, the project participants shall describe the equipment used to monitor each parameter, including details on accuracy class, and calibration information (frequency, date of calibration and validity), if applicable as per the registered monitoring plan (para 261(b) of PS for PA version 2)
The monitoring report and the verification report do not provide full calibration records such as calibration records of the meters located in the substation which are used for the monitoring of "A" and "B" considering that the monitoring report/the verification report submitted for the previous monitoring period (01/01/2017 to 28/02/2019) provided the calibration records for the main and the backup meter in 33KV line (RJB74505 and RJB74506).
The column Z of "ER calculation" sheet represents "Y" (Gross Electricity generated by WTGs of the project activity) from 1st of a month to 1st of following month (for example, 1/Mar/19-1/April/19). However, individual column Z (Z6-Z24) shows the sum of each month from "Controller data" sheet (for example, 1/Mar/19-31/Mar/19). The PP/DOE is required to clarify this inconsistency.
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