20:06 28 Dec 24
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
The DOE shall determine whether the calibration of the measuring equipment that has an impact on the claimed GHG emission eductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals is conducted by the project participants at a frequency specified in the applied
methodologies, the applied standardized baselines and/or the
registered monitoring plan. Please refer to VVS PA v1.0 paragraph 368-371.
In page 15 of verification report, the DOE states that "The PP has applied the maximum permissible error of the energy meter changed for the period between the scheduled date of calibration and the actual date of change of new energy meter. The error factor is applied and subtracted in energy exported, consistent with VVS." However, for the replaced meters the DOE has not justified whether any calibration was conducted before replacement and that the results of the delayed calibration do not show any errors in the measuring equipment, or the error is smaller than the maximum permissible error in accordance with paragraph 369(a) and 371 of VVS PA v1.0. Further, the DOE is also requested to substantiate how it has verified the calibration of new meters installed and report the same.
The DOE shall determine whether the calibration of the measuring equipment that has an impact on the claimed GHG emission eductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals is conducted by the project participants at a frequency specified in the applied
methodologies, the applied standardized baselines and/or the
registered monitoring plan. Please refer to VVS PA v1.0 paragraph 368-371.
In page 15 of verification report, the DOE states that "The PP has applied the maximum permissible error of the energy meter changed for the period between the scheduled date of calibration and the actual date of change of new energy meter. The error factor is applied and subtracted in energy exported, consistent with VVS." However, for the replaced meters the DOE has not justified whether any calibration was conducted before replacement and that the results of the delayed calibration do not show any errors in the measuring equipment, or the error is smaller than the maximum permissible error in accordance with paragraph 369(a) and 371 of VVS PA v1.0. Further, the DOE is also requested to substantiate how it has verified the calibration of new meters installed and report the same.
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