Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The monitoring report does not contain the implementation status of the project (including a brief description of the installed technology and/or equipments, relevant dates of project activity e.g. date of construction, commissioning, continued operation periods, etc.) during the monitoring period under consideration. (EB48 - Annex 68 paragraph 10 (a) (i) & EB 54 Annex 34).
Issue: The Project Participant (PP) to requested to provide explicit information and report on whether it has taken into account the Meth Panel clarification AM_CLA_0191. The PP should explicitly report whether there has been any retrofitting or replacement of the key equipment components.

2: Scope: The verification report does not provide an assessment that all physical features of the proposed CDM project activity proposed in the registered PDD are in place and/or that the project participant has implemented and operated the proposed CDM project activity as per the registered PDD or the approved revised PDD. (VVM v.1.2 para 196)
Issue: The DOE is kindly requested to provide explicit information and report on whether it has taken into account the Meth Panel clarification AM_CLA_0191. The DOE should explicitly report whether there has been any retrofitting or replacement of the key equipment components