Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE stated in the verification and certification report that the ex-post determined value was found to be proportionally higher than the ex-ante estimated value when compared with Case A and lower when compared with Case B. However, the latest approved PDD does not describe any case A or case B. The DOE is requested to clarify.

2: The DOE needs to clarify the calibration date of ETT 9008 (SN 080638069). In the monitoring report it is mentioned as 23/11/2015, whereas in verification report it is 23/11/2016. The DOE shall also confirm whether or not there was delayed calibration for this equipment which was used from 01/11/2016 until 03/02/2017. Please refer to paragraph 368 of VVS-PA (version 01.0).

3: The monitoring report provides the following statement in page 27: "The Total LFG fed to compound, LFG fed to the flare and the power generators were compared with the LFGtotal in every minute. The lowest values of quantity of methane Gas fed to the flare and power generators are presented in this table and are used for calculation of MDProject,y at next step data process, according to QA/QC". The DOE is requested to explain how it verified the application of this statement, in particular when LFGtotal,y is lower than LFGelectricity,y plus LFGflared,y. Please refer to paragraph 376(c) of VVS-PA (version 01.0).