Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1) The DOE is requested to further justify: (i) the missing data values for EGexport and EGimport from 26 to 31 December 2020 (shown in the MR, page 11 and the spreadsheet calculations); and (ii) the values for EGimport sourced from the MRRs and ETNs considering that in the spreadsheet calculations and Monitoring Report (pages 9-11) these are shown to be the same. In doing so, please refer to VVS, v3, paragraphs 373.a and 374.b.

2) Section E.8.1 of the VCR does not specify the actual data values (for EGPJ,facility,y and combined margin grid emission factor) applied. The DOE is requested to specify, hence verify, the data applied to calculate the emission reductions for this monitoring period. In doing so, please refer to VVS, v3, paragraph 373.