Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE verified some parameters (i.e. “Average additional distance traveled by vehicle type ‘i’ compared to baseline to transport the waste (DTi,waste,y)” and “weight of stabilized biomass sold offsite for which no sale invoices can be provided (Rn)”) as “zero” based on the site visit. However, no site was conducted during this verification period.

2: The DOE verified parameters “Total amount of organic waste prevented from disposal (Wx) as 45,964.90 Tons; the “quantity of compost produced (Mcompost)” as 471 Tons and residual waste as 14,145.49 Tons. The DOE is requested to provide further information on how it verified Wx and Mcompost considering that the quality of compost produced during this monitoring period is significantly lower than the previous monitoring periods for MYSORE (i.e. MP1: Wx= 63,895 Tons and Mcompost = 3,981 Tons; MP2: Wx= 76,162 Tons and Mcompost = 3,981 Tons; MP9: Wx= 70,751 Tons and Mcompost = 4,750 Tons; & MP10: Wx= 68,719 Tons and Mcompost = 4,750 Tons). Please refer to the VVS-PA ver. 02 paragraph 375.