Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The revised PDD does not contain a description of the corrections to project information and specify how it is in accordance with Appendix 1 of the Project Standard as per PS version 09.0 paragraph 275.
Issue: The A.3. of the PDD provides the technologies and/or measures which is not relevant to the project activity as it states (p 5) that "Boryeong small hydroelectric power project installed nominal capacity of 7.5MW small hydroelectric power which is below the 15MW limit for small scale CDM projects. It uses a renewable source of energy, such as small hydro electricity generation which can generate electricity. This is considered clean technology because there is the greenhouse gas emissions and the air pollutants in the power generation process."

2: Scope: The spreadsheet does not contain explanation with regard to application of formulae in the spreadsheet.
1) The sheet called "ER Calculation" presents the monitoring period as "2012.10.01 ~2012.09.30" while the request for issuance covers period of 01 Oct 12 - 30 Sep 14. Further, please use English as the official language of the CDM Executive Board is English.
2) The cover of the spreadsheet states that "Hangyeong Second Phase SS-Wind Power Project" while the project activity is "Korea Midland Power Co. Photovoltaic power generation Bundling Project".

3: Scope: The verification and certification report does not provide a description of the actual operation of the project activity as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 385 (b).
Issue: The monitoring report indicates that the Seocheon (II) PV power plant was not implemented as per decision by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. However, the verification report (p 6) states "The verification team confirmed that Seocheon (II) PV power plant construction was implemented in the monitoring period because of the government’s decision under the “Demanded-supply program of electricity.” of Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of Republic of Korea." Please rectify this inconsistency in the project implmentation.

4: Scope: The verification and certification report does not provide a conclusion on the verified amount of emission reductions achieved nor/or confirm that appropriate methods and formulae for calculating baseline emissions, project emissions and leakage have been followed as per VVS version 09.0 paragraphs 403 (c) and 409 (j).
Issue: The monitoring period of the request for issuance is 01 Oct 12 - 30 Sep 14. However, while the DOE verifying the net electricity supplied by the Yeosu Expo PV power plant and Jeju University PV power plant based on year (p 18-9, 20-1), the periods refers to "1 October – 31 December 2012", "2011" and "1 January – 30 September 2012". Please rectify this inconsistency.