Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The verification report does not list each parameter required by the monitoring plan and does not provide an statement on how the DOE verified the information flow (from data generation, aggregation, to recording, calculation and reporting) for these parameters including the values in the monitoring reports (VVS v2, para 236, 284 (e)).
Issue: The monitoring parameter "Electricity generated at WEG Controller during the year y (EGWEG)" listed as one of the monitored parameters in the registered PDD has not been reported in the monitoring report and verification report.

2: Scope: The certification report does not indicate the monitoring period under verification and/or the corresponding number of CERs requested by the DOE.
Issue: The monitoring period in the certification statement is incorrectly presented as 31/07/2013 to 10/07/2013 whereas the monitoring period in the rest of the submission is 15/11/2012 to 10/07/2013.