Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: If there is any actual or proposed change to the implementation, operation or monitoring of the registered CDM project activity, the project participants shall prepare a revised PDD (in both track-change and clean versions) that reflects the actual or proposed changes, using the valid version of the applicable PDD form (paragraph 229 of PS for PA version 2).
The track-change PDD submitted indicates the changes from the PDD version 3.4 dated on 16/08/2019 to the PDD version 3.4 dated on 06/11/2019 while the registered PDD shown in the project view page ( is the PDD version 3.3 dated on 13/10/2011. Therefore, please submit the track-change version of the PDD from the registered PDD version 3.3 dated on 13/10/2011.

2: The DOE shall determine whether the registered monitoring plan has been properly implemented and followed by the project participants (paragraph 361(a) of the VVS for PA version 2)
The monitoring plan states that “If the NCV and the emission factor is not available from purchase contracts then option (d) of the tool will be used - IPCC default values at the upper limit of the uncertainty at a 95% confidence interval as provided in Table 1.2 of Chapter 1 of Vol. 2 (Energy) of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines on National GHG Inventories” and the DOE states that “The audit team has checked the default value of 43.3 as per IPCC” and “The IPCC default value is used for CO2 emission factor of diesel, which is used to calculate project emissions.” The DOE is requested to provide further information on how it verified the monitoring parameters of NCV and EFCO2,y as per the applied monitoring plan since it verified the monitoring of these two parameter as per option (d) of the tool while the monitoring plan requires the option (d) is applicable when the option (a) of the tool is not available.