Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The monitoring report does not contain the implementation status of the project (including a brief description of the installed technology and/or equipments, relevant dates of project activity e.g. date of construction, commissioning, continued operation periods, etc.) during the monitoring period under consideration. (EB48 - Annex 68 paragraph 10 (a) (i) & EB 54 Annex 34).
Issue: it was explained that the project completed construction on 17/10/2010 and began the commercial operation on 12/11/2010. The monitoring report shall indicate on which date the UASB reactor began its operation and whether any outage or stoppages were identified between the start date of the monitoring period and the start of the project's commercial operation.

2: Scope: The verification report does not determine if the assumptions used in emission calculations have been justified and/or emission factors, default values and other reference values have been correctly applied. (VVM v.1.2 para 208 (d) & (e))
Issue: it was explained that the project completed its construction on 17/10/2010 and no ERs were claimed between the start date of the monitoring period and the date when the engines were installed (11/11/2010). The Verification Report shall clearly indicate whether the UASB reactor was operational during this period (meaning it was treating the effluent) - if the reactor was found to be operational, it shall also include proper explanations on the reasons for not considering project emissions due to untreated COD decomposition, fugitive CH4 and dissolve CH4.