Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The monitoring report does not contain the values of the monitored parameters. (EB 54 Annex 34)
Issue: The monitoring report does not indicate the result of the flare efficiency analysis conducted for each one of the dates of analysis provided in the monitoring report, for both Adrianopolis and Marambaia landfills.

2: Scope: The verification report does not determine if the assumptions used in emission calculations have been justified and/or emission factors, default values and other reference values have been correctly applied. (VVM v.1.2 para 208 (d) & (e))
Issue: The monitoring report indicates when the temperature of the flare is below 760°C for any particular hour, it is assumed that during that hour the flare efficiency is zero and therefore the baseline emissions are zero. The verification report does not indicate how this assumption has been verified to be correctly applied in emission reductions calculation.