Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Scope: The validation opinion does not contain a confirmation whether the temporary deviation from the registered monitoring plan or applied methodology does not require prior approval of the Board and the provisions of Appendix 1 of PS apply to those deviations (VVS v2, para 252)
Issue: (a) The DOE is requested to explain how the monitoring deviated from the monitoring plan. In doing so, please clarify what the requirement of the monitoring plan is, in regard to the transmission line in which the meters M1 and M2 are located;
(b) For the period of 24/05/2013 - 12/08/2013, as per the Monitoring Report, the project used the meters M1 and M2 installed on the Dalongkou II transmission line alone, whereas as per the Verification Report, it used the meters M1 and M2 installed on the Dalongkou I transmission line alone. Please clarify.