Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE is requested to submit the spreadsheet used to calculate the monitoring parameter EFgrid,OM,y as it have not been submitted.

2: The project diagram on page 6 of the monitoring report indicates that the generated electricity is supplied for captive use and the national grid. Further, the emission reductions to be claimed are based on the total net electricity generated for those both usage. However, the applied methodology (AMS I.D version 18) is exclusively applicable to electricity delivered to the grid. The DOE shall clarify how it has verified the recipient of the electricity generated by the project activity and how it has verified that the implemented project activity is applicable to the methodology applied.

3: The specific enthalpy of superheated steam at the output of the boiler is lower than that of the steam entering the turbine (e.g. cell C20 and D20 of the table "Ratio 2020" in the ER sheet). It is not clear why the steam enthalpy at an upstream point is lower than that at the downstream point. The DOE shall provide information on how it has verified the information flow (from data generation, and aggregation, to recording, calculation, and reporting), including the relevant QA/QC process.