07:10 11 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
The DOE is required to provide a proper justification as to why the site visits cannot be postponed, including the demonstration of a significant impact of delaying the site visits on the DOE, project participants or coordinating/managing entity (e.g. commitment/ timeline as per the validation or verification contract, CER delivery commitment by project participants), with reliance on applicable force majeure provisions in the validation or verification contracts, if needed, in line with EB 106 meeting report para. 26 (b).
The DOE stated that the site visit for this project activity was not conducted due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the site visit cannot be postponed since a delay on performing the mandatory on-site visit for the project activity, will impact a delay in CERs delivery as there is an ERPA in place, signed in between the parties. However, the verification report did not contain detailed information on CERs delivery commitment (i.e. timing of the delivery) as per para 26 (b) of EB 106 meeting report and the appendix 3 of the verification report included “ERPA” as reference 6.4. which did not include any date.”
The DOE is required to provide a proper justification as to why the site visits cannot be postponed, including the demonstration of a significant impact of delaying the site visits on the DOE, project participants or coordinating/managing entity (e.g. commitment/ timeline as per the validation or verification contract, CER delivery commitment by project participants), with reliance on applicable force majeure provisions in the validation or verification contracts, if needed, in line with EB 106 meeting report para. 26 (b).
The DOE stated that the site visit for this project activity was not conducted due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the site visit cannot be postponed since a delay on performing the mandatory on-site visit for the project activity, will impact a delay in CERs delivery as there is an ERPA in place, signed in between the parties. However, the verification report did not contain detailed information on CERs delivery commitment (i.e. timing of the delivery) as per para 26 (b) of EB 106 meeting report and the appendix 3 of the verification report included “ERPA” as reference 6.4. which did not include any date.”
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