20:07 23 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Issue: The DOE is requested to submit the following, by selecting the PRC option, as per PCP paragraph 139; (a) A duly completed "Post-registration changes request form" (F-CDM-PRC); (b) An assessment opinion on the changes by the DOE prepared in accordance with the "Clean development mechanism validation and verification standard".
Please refer to the email communication sent on 22/05/2013.
Issue: The DOE is requested to submit the following, by selecting the PRC option, as per PCP paragraph 139; (a) A duly completed "Post-registration changes request form" (F-CDM-PRC); (b) An assessment opinion on the changes by the DOE prepared in accordance with the "Clean development mechanism validation and verification standard".
Please refer to the email communication sent on 22/05/2013.
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