Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The applied methodology (p 12) states that "Cross-check the measurements with an annual energy balance that is based on purchased quantities (e.g. with sales/receipts) and stock changes. Check the consistency of measurements ex post with annual data on energy generation, fossil fuels and biomass used and the efficiency of energy generation as determined ex ante"
The DOE is required to provide further information on how it has verified the crosschecking with an annual energy balance as per the applied methodology since the verification report and the monitoring report do not contain any information on the crosschecking.

2: The paragraph 19 of the applied methodology states that "The quantities and types of biomass and the biomass to fossil fuel ratio (in case of co-fired system) to be used during the crediting period should be explained and documented transparently in the CDM-PDD" and the PDD (p 3) states that "The purpose of the project activity is to utilize the renewable biomass fuelJuliflora, which is available in surplus in the region for generating power" and the validation report (p 50) states that "Juliflora is the fuel to be used in the PA."
The DOE states that " the biomass (Julifora and Jeera Jusk) is renewable biomass and is surplus in the region, which has been confirmed through the review of the PDD/Validation Report and the third-party Biomass assessment report. Further wood chips have also been used during the monitoring period. The source of woody biomass (wood chips) is residue generated by other process e.g Saw Mills (industrial waste) and hence considered as renewable biomass in line with the Glossary: CDM terms, version 10.0." The DOE is required to provide further information on how it verified the implementation of the project as per the PDD and two other biomass as renewable biomass referred in the applied methodology considering that 1) the monitoring report and ER calculation sheet shows "Juliflora, husk and wood chips" were used during the monitoring period; 2) the validation report (p 50) states that "Juliflora is the fuel to be used in the PA. The validation team from the sectoral expertise in forestry confirms that juliflora is considered to be a weed and invasive species and confirms to the renewable biomass definition as per §2 and §3 of EB 23 Annex 18"; and 3) the appendix 3 of the verification report does not contain any documents related to third-party Biomass assessment report and source of woody biomass.

The monitoring plan requires the calibration of the meter for "Quantity of net electricity supplied to the grid" (EGBL,y) at least once in 3 years and the annual calibration of the meters for "Gross power generated by the project activity power plant " (EGy) and "Auxiliary consumption for the project activity power plant" (EGAUX). However, the DOE (p 17) states that "The calibration frequency as per the registered PDD is once in three years" in the section for the parameter of "Gross power generated by the project activity power plant".