Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Scope: The verification report does not provide information on data and variables that are different from the registered PDD or any approved revised PDD, and has caused an increase in estimates of the emission reductions in the current monitoring period or is highly likely to increase the estimates of emission reductions in the future monitoring periods (VVS v2, para 228 (c))
Issue: The verification report stated that 1) 53 brick factories in cluster Arab Abu Saeed have declined to participate; 2) 9 factories in cluster Arab Abu Saeed was not considered in the emission reduction calculation as no gas meter was installed and 3) no action has been taken in cluster El Saaf due to unavailability of gas infrastructure. The DOE shall provide its verification opinion on whether the above changes in the project implementation are temporary or not and explain why a request for post registration change has not been submitted in relation to the above changes.