12:39 23 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The paragraph 385-6 of the validation and verification standard require the DOE to assess and determine that the calculations of baseline GHG emissions or baseline net GHG removals, project GHG emissions or actual net GHG removals, and leakage GHG emissions have been carried out in accordance with the formulae and methods described in the registered monitoring plan and the applied methodologies.
"EGPJ,y"in the sheet of "Summary_ER_Sheet 2012-13" includes the values from the column J6 to J20 of "Electricity Data" and "EGPJ,y"in the sheet of "Summary_ER_Sheet 2013-18" includes the values from the column J22 to J91 of "Electricity Data". Therefore, column J 21 of "Electricity Data" was not included in the calculation of the baseline.
2: The paragraph 376(g) of the validation and verification standard for project activity (VVS for PA) requires the DOE to determine the pro-rata approach was correctly applied to the calculations of GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals in accordance with the “CDM project standard for project activities”, if the monitoring period starts before 31 December 2012 and ends anytime thereafter.
The monitoring period is 09/09/2011 – 08/09/2021 and the DOE did not provide its verification as per the paragraph 376(g) of the VVS for PA.
1: The paragraph 385-6 of the validation and verification standard require the DOE to assess and determine that the calculations of baseline GHG emissions or baseline net GHG removals, project GHG emissions or actual net GHG removals, and leakage GHG emissions have been carried out in accordance with the formulae and methods described in the registered monitoring plan and the applied methodologies.
"EGPJ,y"in the sheet of "Summary_ER_Sheet 2012-13" includes the values from the column J6 to J20 of "Electricity Data" and "EGPJ,y"in the sheet of "Summary_ER_Sheet 2013-18" includes the values from the column J22 to J91 of "Electricity Data". Therefore, column J 21 of "Electricity Data" was not included in the calculation of the baseline.
2: The paragraph 376(g) of the validation and verification standard for project activity (VVS for PA) requires the DOE to determine the pro-rata approach was correctly applied to the calculations of GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals in accordance with the “CDM project standard for project activities”, if the monitoring period starts before 31 December 2012 and ends anytime thereafter.
The monitoring period is 09/09/2011 – 08/09/2021 and the DOE did not provide its verification as per the paragraph 376(g) of the VVS for PA.
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