22:45 10 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE shall determine whether there are permanent changes to the registered monitoring plan, or whether the monitoring permanently deviates from the applied methodologies, standardized baselines, or their applied standards or tools, and, if there are, determine whether the permanent changes or the deviation comply with the relevant requirements in the “CDM project standard for project activities” (paragraph 296 of VVS for PA).
The monitoring report states that "At project start, meter 1 and meter 2 were installed at the main distribution 30 kV delivery point and meter 3
and meter 4 at the substation, of which the latter two were moved to the delivery point on 13/12/2017." However, the DOE has not provided any validation opinion on this as per the paragraph 296 of VVS for PA version 1 and paragraph 239 of PS for PA version 1 as it did not validate the reason of moving two meters from substation to the delivery point on 13 December 2017.
2: The DOE shall determine whether the calibration of the measuring equipment that has an impact on the claimed GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals is conducted by the project participants at a frequency specified in the applied methodologies, the applied standardized baselines and/or the registered monitoring plan (paragraph 368 of VVS for PA version 1).
The DOE (p 16) verified that the calibration of the meters was done on 27 March 2017 and states that "The calibration conformity test certificate confirms that the meters were calibrated prior to installation. Since, the installed meters have not completed the required frequency of 1 years for calibration, the initial calibration is valid upto one year after installation of the meters on the site as per the registered monitoring plan". The DOE is required to provide further information on how it considered the initial calibration is valid upto one year after installation of the meters considering that 1) the monitoring plan states that "A test and calibration of the meters will be carried out after each deviation of more than +- 0.5% but at least on a yearly basis, following manufacturer’s recommendations" and 2) the monitoring period is 20 Nov 17 - 30 Jun 18 and the calibration was done on 27 March 2017.
1: The DOE shall determine whether there are permanent changes to the registered monitoring plan, or whether the monitoring permanently deviates from the applied methodologies, standardized baselines, or their applied standards or tools, and, if there are, determine whether the permanent changes or the deviation comply with the relevant requirements in the “CDM project standard for project activities” (paragraph 296 of VVS for PA).
The monitoring report states that "At project start, meter 1 and meter 2 were installed at the main distribution 30 kV delivery point and meter 3
and meter 4 at the substation, of which the latter two were moved to the delivery point on 13/12/2017." However, the DOE has not provided any validation opinion on this as per the paragraph 296 of VVS for PA version 1 and paragraph 239 of PS for PA version 1 as it did not validate the reason of moving two meters from substation to the delivery point on 13 December 2017.
2: The DOE shall determine whether the calibration of the measuring equipment that has an impact on the claimed GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals is conducted by the project participants at a frequency specified in the applied methodologies, the applied standardized baselines and/or the registered monitoring plan (paragraph 368 of VVS for PA version 1).
The DOE (p 16) verified that the calibration of the meters was done on 27 March 2017 and states that "The calibration conformity test certificate confirms that the meters were calibrated prior to installation. Since, the installed meters have not completed the required frequency of 1 years for calibration, the initial calibration is valid upto one year after installation of the meters on the site as per the registered monitoring plan". The DOE is required to provide further information on how it considered the initial calibration is valid upto one year after installation of the meters considering that 1) the monitoring plan states that "A test and calibration of the meters will be carried out after each deviation of more than +- 0.5% but at least on a yearly basis, following manufacturer’s recommendations" and 2) the monitoring period is 20 Nov 17 - 30 Jun 18 and the calibration was done on 27 March 2017.
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