18:42 23 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE shall determine whether the monitoring of parameters related to GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals in the registered PDD has been implemented in accordance with the registered monitoring plan (para 360 of VVS for PA version 3).
The DOE is required to provide further information on how it verified that the monitoring has been carried out in accordance with the registered monitoring plan in accordance with the paragraph 360 of VVS for PA version 3 given that:
i) The gas flow meter used in monitoring BGburnt,flared and BGburnt,generator,y has accuracy level of ±1.5%. However, accuracy level of ±1% is required by the monitoring plan;
ii) For monitoring of parameter of VRG,m, the DOE did not provide its verification opinion on whether the monitored values are averaged on minute basis as required by the monitoring plan;
iii) For monitoring of vCH4,RG,m, the DOE did not provide its verification opinion on whether this parameter was measured on a minute basis and recorded through the automatic data logging (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition system – SCADA; and
iv) For monitoring of TDLj,y, the most recent data available for Thailand sourced from the World Bank in 2014 was used. However, the monitoring frequency of the parameter in monitoring plan states that “Annually, In the absence of data from the relevant year, most recent figures should be used, but not older than 5 years.”
2: The DOE shall determine whether a complete set of data for the specified monitoring period is available. If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, the DOE shall assess whether the most conservative values approach is applied to the parameters for the entire non-monitoring period in accordance with the provisions relating to temporary deviation from the registered monitoring plan, the applied methodologies or the applied standardized baselines in the “CDM project standard for project activities”. (para 373(a)(i) of VVS for PA version 3)
For monitoring of parameter of CODww,discharge,PJ,y, the DOE verified that a few monthly reports including January, February, and August 2019 were missing during this monitoring period. The maximum monthly value of 2019 was applied for the entire year of 2019 in calculation of project emissions. Further clarification is required on how the DOE verified that "the most conservative values approach" as specified in the paragraph 373(a)(i) of VVS for project activity version 3 has been complied with.
1: The DOE shall determine whether the monitoring of parameters related to GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals in the registered PDD has been implemented in accordance with the registered monitoring plan (para 360 of VVS for PA version 3).
The DOE is required to provide further information on how it verified that the monitoring has been carried out in accordance with the registered monitoring plan in accordance with the paragraph 360 of VVS for PA version 3 given that:
i) The gas flow meter used in monitoring BGburnt,flared and BGburnt,generator,y has accuracy level of ±1.5%. However, accuracy level of ±1% is required by the monitoring plan;
ii) For monitoring of parameter of VRG,m, the DOE did not provide its verification opinion on whether the monitored values are averaged on minute basis as required by the monitoring plan;
iii) For monitoring of vCH4,RG,m, the DOE did not provide its verification opinion on whether this parameter was measured on a minute basis and recorded through the automatic data logging (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition system – SCADA; and
iv) For monitoring of TDLj,y, the most recent data available for Thailand sourced from the World Bank in 2014 was used. However, the monitoring frequency of the parameter in monitoring plan states that “Annually, In the absence of data from the relevant year, most recent figures should be used, but not older than 5 years.”
2: The DOE shall determine whether a complete set of data for the specified monitoring period is available. If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, the DOE shall assess whether the most conservative values approach is applied to the parameters for the entire non-monitoring period in accordance with the provisions relating to temporary deviation from the registered monitoring plan, the applied methodologies or the applied standardized baselines in the “CDM project standard for project activities”. (para 373(a)(i) of VVS for PA version 3)
For monitoring of parameter of CODww,discharge,PJ,y, the DOE verified that a few monthly reports including January, February, and August 2019 were missing during this monitoring period. The maximum monthly value of 2019 was applied for the entire year of 2019 in calculation of project emissions. Further clarification is required on how the DOE verified that "the most conservative values approach" as specified in the paragraph 373(a)(i) of VVS for project activity version 3 has been complied with.
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