20:12 04 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Scope: The verification report does not list each parameter required by the monitoring plan and does not provide an statement on how the DOE verified the information flow (from data generation, aggregation, to recording, calculation and reporting) for these parameters including the values in the monitoring reports (VVS v2, para 236, 284 (e)).
Issue:a) The DOE is requested to provide information how it has verified that the information flow for the parameter ndy (number of days in year where the treatment plan was operational) is in line with paragraph 29 of applied methodology AMS-III.D version 14 which states that "The number of days that the animal manure management system capturing methane and flaring/combusting or gainfully using methane was operational(ndy) shall be monitored" and b) The DOE is requested to submit a calculation spreadsheet used to determine the lower and upper limit at 95% confidence level for the measurement of methane content in the bio-gas at each bio-digester/farm as page 10 of the verification report just mentions that " The reading values of biogas CH4 content (%) are within the 95% confidence level, determined through a statistical analysis carried out for each farm, identifying the lower and upper limit of acceptable measurements" but further information on the analysis and results are not provided.
Scope: The verification report does not list each parameter required by the monitoring plan and does not provide an statement on how the DOE verified the information flow (from data generation, aggregation, to recording, calculation and reporting) for these parameters including the values in the monitoring reports (VVS v2, para 236, 284 (e)).
Issue:a) The DOE is requested to provide information how it has verified that the information flow for the parameter ndy (number of days in year where the treatment plan was operational) is in line with paragraph 29 of applied methodology AMS-III.D version 14 which states that "The number of days that the animal manure management system capturing methane and flaring/combusting or gainfully using methane was operational(ndy) shall be monitored" and b) The DOE is requested to submit a calculation spreadsheet used to determine the lower and upper limit at 95% confidence level for the measurement of methane content in the bio-gas at each bio-digester/farm as page 10 of the verification report just mentions that " The reading values of biogas CH4 content (%) are within the 95% confidence level, determined through a statistical analysis carried out for each farm, identifying the lower and upper limit of acceptable measurements" but further information on the analysis and results are not provided.
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