Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The monitoring report does not contain a description of the equipment used to monitor each parameter including details on accuracy class and calibration information (frequency, dates of calibration and validity) as specified by the monitoring methodology and the monitoring plan. (PS v1, para 192 (b))
Issue: The PP is requested to include information regarding the most recent calibrations conducted on the meters on Lines J and K, that were made available to the DOE (Table 6 of verification report).

2: Scope: The verification report does not state that the monitoring has been carried out in accordance with registered or the accepted revised monitoring plan. (VVS v2 para 235)
Issue: The DOE is requested to provide further information on how it considered the monitoring and estimation of passengers transported by each cable car line (P) based on an expansion factor, to be in line with the registered monitoring plan. The monitoring plan (page 32) and the applied methodology (page 15) require monitoring of parameter P to be based on electronic smart cards or mechanical control means (turnpikes). During actual monitoring, the PP has applied an expansion factor to the data collected from the turnpikes. The DOE is requested to state why it did not consider the monitoring carried out by the PP to be a temporary deviation from the registered monitoring plan and/or monitoring methodology (refer to VVS v.2 paragraph 251) and verify whether there are permanent changes from the registered monitoring plan and/or methodology (refer to VVS v.2 paragraph 262).