02:08 05 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
The PP applied a discount of 1.5ºC / 0.25% based on the manufacturers specifications for the period when thermocouple was not calibrated. The VVS allows the PP/DOE to apply maximum error of the equipment for the delayed calibration period only when the delayed calibration certificate shows that the error is smaller than the maximum permissible error (para 369 and 370). Therefore, the DOE is required to provide further information on the delayed calibration certificate as per para 369 of VVS for PA v.1.
In case the results of the delayed calibration are not available, or the calibration has not been conducted at the time of the verification, the DOE is requested to follow the provisions as contained under para 371 of VVS for PA v.1.
The PP applied a discount of 1.5ºC / 0.25% based on the manufacturers specifications for the period when thermocouple was not calibrated. The VVS allows the PP/DOE to apply maximum error of the equipment for the delayed calibration period only when the delayed calibration certificate shows that the error is smaller than the maximum permissible error (para 369 and 370). Therefore, the DOE is required to provide further information on the delayed calibration certificate as per para 369 of VVS for PA v.1.
In case the results of the delayed calibration are not available, or the calibration has not been conducted at the time of the verification, the DOE is requested to follow the provisions as contained under para 371 of VVS for PA v.1.
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