23:38 09 Sep 24
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The monitoring report does not contain a description of the nature, extent and duration of the non-conforming monitoring and the proposed alternative monitoring of the project activity as per PS version 09.0 paragraph 272.
Issue: The monitoring report contains the proposed approach to the alternative project emissions estimations due to the requested temporary deviation. However, no information is provided regarding the reasons for this deviation and the duration for which the deviation is applicable.
2: Scope: The verification and certification report does not state that the monitoring plan is in accordance with the applied approved methodology and, where applicable, the applied approved standardized baseline as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 388.
Issue:The registered monitoring plan and submitted monitoring report have not reported the parameters “Area of the reservoir measured in the surface of the water, APJ and Installed capacity of the hydro power plant after the implementation of the project Activity, CapPJ”. The DOE is requested to report how it was confirmed that the monitoring plan is in accordance with the requirements of the approved monitoring methodology ACM0002 ver. 11.
1: Scope: The monitoring report does not contain a description of the nature, extent and duration of the non-conforming monitoring and the proposed alternative monitoring of the project activity as per PS version 09.0 paragraph 272.
Issue: The monitoring report contains the proposed approach to the alternative project emissions estimations due to the requested temporary deviation. However, no information is provided regarding the reasons for this deviation and the duration for which the deviation is applicable.
2: Scope: The verification and certification report does not state that the monitoring plan is in accordance with the applied approved methodology and, where applicable, the applied approved standardized baseline as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 388.
Issue:The registered monitoring plan and submitted monitoring report have not reported the parameters “Area of the reservoir measured in the surface of the water, APJ and Installed capacity of the hydro power plant after the implementation of the project Activity, CapPJ”. The DOE is requested to report how it was confirmed that the monitoring plan is in accordance with the requirements of the approved monitoring methodology ACM0002 ver. 11.
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