Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The monitoring report does not contain the values of the monitored parameters used to calculate baseline, project and leakage emissions as well as other parameters required by the applied methodology and the registered monitoring plan as per PS version 09.0 paragraphs 247 and 248 (a) (c) (d) (e) (f).
Issue: The emission factors (operating margin, build margin and combined margin) of the grid are individual and separate monitoring parameters required to be monitored, reported and verified. It has been noted that there has been an update of these parameters since the registration of the project activity. Further, the registered monitoring plan (page 39) requires annual update of these parameters ex post whereby this monitoring period spans across over four years. It has been noted that in the re-submitted documents, the relevant data sets have not been submitted in an assessable and traceable format clearly indicating that the calculation has been carried out in compliance with the 'Tool to calculate emission factor for an electricity system'. Kindly please submit the required data sets in an assessable format, together with the calculations in line with the tool to calculate emission factor for an electricity system.

2: Scope: The verification and certification report does not list each parameter required by the monitoring plan and does not provide an statement on how the DOE verified the information flow for these parameters including the values in the monitoring reports as per VVS version 09.0 paragraphs 393 and 409 (e).
Issue: The Monitoring Plan requires the emission factors of build margin, operating margin as well as combined margin emission factors "to be updated annually ex post" (page 39 of registered PDD). However, the DOE has not provided the data sets including the calculations in an assessable and traceable format, and it has not confirmed that the calculation is in line with the tool to calculate emission factor of an electricity system. Kindly please submit the information on the annual updating and relevant data sets (showing full data sets and the relevant step-wise calculations) in an assessable format, and provide the information regarding how the DOE has verified the step-wise calculation in line with the tool to calculate emission factor for an electricity system.

3: Scope: The verification and certification report does not provide an assessment and close out of any CARs, CLs or FARs issued, nor/or if appropriate, an assessment of remaining issues from the previous verification period as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 409 (g) (h).
Issue: In the 'means of verification/comments' section related to the verification of grid emission factors, the DOE has stated that the detailed calculations of the OM/BM(typed as OM on page 11 of the Verification Report)/CM(typed as OM on page 11 of the Verification Report) are checked by the audit team (IRL#17). In the absence of any confirmation on the correctness of the calculations of the grid emission factor being in line with the tool to calculate emission factor for an electricity system, the DOE shall provide information on how it has closed out the CAR 03 (page 26-27 of Verification Report).

4: Scope: The verification and certification report does not contain information on the application, where appropriate, of the concept of materiality in planning and conducting the verification as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 410.
Issue: The DOE has stated that 'The errors identified in the project are below the threshold limit of materiality and hence not material. The GHG emission reductions are calculated without material misstatements.' (page 4, Verification Report). The DOE should provide further information on how it has applied the concept of materiality following CDM VVS section 11.2.3 and the Guideline on Application of materiality in verifications, noting that the errors in the original submission of request for issuance (on 27 Jan 2016) have resulted in an increase of emission reductions from 528,979 to 743,933 tCO2e.