Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:

The registered monitoring plan as contained in PDD (refer section B.7 and Appendix 5) highlights that electricity generation from each project wind turbine (EG controller, project) is measured using controller meters.
EG controller, project is used to calculate share of electricity exported / imported by the wind turbine (EG export, project / EG import, project) in the total electricity supplied from all wind turbines connected to substation (∑ EG controller, i, feeder) as measured at common metering point at substation using formula provided in section B.7.3 of the PDD. EG export, project and EG import, project parameter is further used for calculation of net electricity supplied to the grid (EG net export, project).
However, EG controller, project which is base parameter used for calculation of EG net export, project is neither reported within the monitoring report nor in the excel sheet for emission reduction calculation.
The DOE/project participant is requested to provide this information.