23:53 05 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE raised CAR 4 due to missing invoices for some months during the monitoring period. However, the months referred in CAR 04 did not correspond to the information presented in the spreadsheet. For example, the sheet called "Gereration Details" in the spreadsheet states "Year 2017 - SLDC report for the month of Oct 2017 is Missing" and "Year 2017 - Invoices for the month Jan, Feb are missing" while the verification report (p 22) states that there were the missing invoices in the month January, February & July. The DOE is required to provide further information on how it verified the amount of electricity import and export for the months of which the invoices were missing.
2: If, during the verification of a certain monitoring period, the DOE identifies that the calibration has been delayed and the calibration has been implemented after the monitoring period in consideration (i.e. the results of delayed calibration are available), the DOE may conclude its verification, provided the following conservative approach is adopted in the calculation of GHG emission reductions (para 366 of VVS for PA version 3).
The DOE states that there was delayed in calibration of main meter found from 01/04/2014 to 03/07/2014. However, the DOE that verified the previous monitoring period (01 Jul 12 - 31 Mar 14) stated that main meter (0.2s, GJ-0940-A) was calibrated on 22/10/2011 with the expiration date of calibration of 21/10/2014. Considering that i) the DOE did not provide any evidence of the calibration done prior to 04/07/2014 and ii) the DOE that verified the previous monitoring period (01 Jul 12 - 31 Mar 14) stated that main meter (0.2s, GJ-0940-A) was calibrated on 22/10/2011, the DOE is required to provide further information how it verified the delayed calibration for the period of 01/04/2014 to 03/07/2014.
1: The DOE raised CAR 4 due to missing invoices for some months during the monitoring period. However, the months referred in CAR 04 did not correspond to the information presented in the spreadsheet. For example, the sheet called "Gereration Details" in the spreadsheet states "Year 2017 - SLDC report for the month of Oct 2017 is Missing" and "Year 2017 - Invoices for the month Jan, Feb are missing" while the verification report (p 22) states that there were the missing invoices in the month January, February & July. The DOE is required to provide further information on how it verified the amount of electricity import and export for the months of which the invoices were missing.
2: If, during the verification of a certain monitoring period, the DOE identifies that the calibration has been delayed and the calibration has been implemented after the monitoring period in consideration (i.e. the results of delayed calibration are available), the DOE may conclude its verification, provided the following conservative approach is adopted in the calculation of GHG emission reductions (para 366 of VVS for PA version 3).
The DOE states that there was delayed in calibration of main meter found from 01/04/2014 to 03/07/2014. However, the DOE that verified the previous monitoring period (01 Jul 12 - 31 Mar 14) stated that main meter (0.2s, GJ-0940-A) was calibrated on 22/10/2011 with the expiration date of calibration of 21/10/2014. Considering that i) the DOE did not provide any evidence of the calibration done prior to 04/07/2014 and ii) the DOE that verified the previous monitoring period (01 Jul 12 - 31 Mar 14) stated that main meter (0.2s, GJ-0940-A) was calibrated on 22/10/2011, the DOE is required to provide further information how it verified the delayed calibration for the period of 01/04/2014 to 03/07/2014.
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