Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Scope: The verification report does not state that the monitoring has been carried out in accordance with registered or the accepted revised monitoring plan. (VVS v7 para 278)
Issue: The PP/DOE are requested to address the following inconsistencies:
i. The MR (pg. 21) indicates that the parameter “consumption of diesel by the LPG plant” due to the project activity (Mfuel,y) is measured from stock changes and delivery. However, the verification report (pg. 30) has validated that the same parameter is measured via a weigh bridge and contains information related to LPG production, and

ii. The MR (pg. 21) lists some parameters (Time, Temperature, pressure, and flow rate) which need to be monitored in case of an accidental event; and further reports that no accidents occurred during the current monitoring period and therefore these parameters were not monitored. However, it is noted that the VR (pg. 32) states that “the audit team checked the daily records and compared it with the ER spreadsheet, and confirmed the data was consistent between the daily records and the ER spreadsheet” as a means of verifying the values in the monitoring report.

In addition the VR (pg. 61) has reported that no accidental events occurred and therefore these parameters were not applicable for the current monitoring period.