Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
The DOE shall determine whether the monitoring of parameters related to GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals in the registered PDD has been implemented in accordance with the registered monitoring plan (paragraph 363 of VVS for PA version 01).
The DOE (p 11) states that “Regarding the value of electricity exported to the grid (EGexport,y), there is a difference between the actual monitored values (48,797,160 kWh in total) and sales invoice values (48,804,719 kWh in total) during this monitoring period” and “Regarding the value of electricity imported from the grid (ECimport,y), there is some difference between the actual monitored values (424,320 kWh in total) and the purchase invoice values (415,440 kWh in total)”. It further concluded that “the values of EGexport,y and ECimport,y are correctly determined to be 48,804.720 MWh and 415.440 MWh, respectively.”
The DOE is required to provide further information on 1) how the actual monitored values were monitored; 2) why it verified only two meters (M01 and M02) while there are three meters in the diagram in the monitoring report and the PDD; and 3) why it considered the invoices values rather than the actual monitored values for the calculation of the emission reduction considering that the monitoring plan states that “Measured data will be cross checked with sale/purchase records (invoices/receipts).”