12:52 05 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: If, during the verification of a certain monitoring period, the DOE identifies that the calibration has been delayed and the calibration has been implemented after the monitoring period in consideration (i.e. the results of delayed calibration are available), the DOE may conclude its verification, provided the following conservative approach is adopted in the calculation of GHG emission reductions (para 366 of VVS for PA version 3).
The DOE (p 14) states that " A delayed calibration is observed for energy meters and weighbridge used. Delayed calibration is addressed in line with para 366 (a) of the “CDM validation and verification standard for project activities, Version 03” as the observed error of meters was within maximum permissible error. Value after application of maximum permissible error has been used for emission reduction calculations." However, "JMR Data" sheet of the submitted spreadsheet shows that Column J and C (measured Export) are used for the calculation of the net electricity generation instead of Column D and K (Export after the application of error factor).
2: The DOE shall determine whether the calculations of baseline GHG emissions or baseline net GHG removals, project GHG emissions or actual net GHG removals, and leakage GHG emissions have been carried out in accordance with the formulae and methods described in the registered monitoring plan, the applied methodologies. (para 373 of VVS of PA version 3)
1) The applied methodology (p 12) requires "Cross-check the measurements with an annual energy balance that is based on purchased quantities (e.g. with sales/receipts) and stock changes. Check the consistency of measurements ex post with annual data on energy generation, fossil fuels and biomass used and the efficiency of energy generation as determined ex ante." However, the PP did not provide information on annual energy balance and the DOE did not provide verification opinion on this requirement; and
2) The DOE (p 16) states that " Leakages emissions (LEy) as per the methodology are to be considered if the energy generating equipment is transferred from another activity or if the existing equipment is transferred to another activity. The project activity since involves setting up of a new WTGs, no leakages due to transfer of any equipment has been considered." However, the project activity does not involve in implementing WTG.
3: The DOE shall take due account of all authentic and relevant comments in the verification for the first request for issuance of CERs. (para 392 of VVS for PA version 3)
The DOE states "Not applicable for the present monitoring period" in the section E.10 of the verification report. However, this is the first monitoring period of the project activity of which the global stakeholder consultation is required by para 198 of PCP for PA version 3.
4: The DOE shall determine whether the project participants have addressed the FARs identified during validation or previous verification(s). (Para 320 of VVS of PA version 3)
The DOE states that " No FAR was raised during the validation of the project activity." However, the validation report (p 100) contains two FARs for the first verification.
1: If, during the verification of a certain monitoring period, the DOE identifies that the calibration has been delayed and the calibration has been implemented after the monitoring period in consideration (i.e. the results of delayed calibration are available), the DOE may conclude its verification, provided the following conservative approach is adopted in the calculation of GHG emission reductions (para 366 of VVS for PA version 3).
The DOE (p 14) states that " A delayed calibration is observed for energy meters and weighbridge used. Delayed calibration is addressed in line with para 366 (a) of the “CDM validation and verification standard for project activities, Version 03” as the observed error of meters was within maximum permissible error. Value after application of maximum permissible error has been used for emission reduction calculations." However, "JMR Data" sheet of the submitted spreadsheet shows that Column J and C (measured Export) are used for the calculation of the net electricity generation instead of Column D and K (Export after the application of error factor).
2: The DOE shall determine whether the calculations of baseline GHG emissions or baseline net GHG removals, project GHG emissions or actual net GHG removals, and leakage GHG emissions have been carried out in accordance with the formulae and methods described in the registered monitoring plan, the applied methodologies. (para 373 of VVS of PA version 3)
1) The applied methodology (p 12) requires "Cross-check the measurements with an annual energy balance that is based on purchased quantities (e.g. with sales/receipts) and stock changes. Check the consistency of measurements ex post with annual data on energy generation, fossil fuels and biomass used and the efficiency of energy generation as determined ex ante." However, the PP did not provide information on annual energy balance and the DOE did not provide verification opinion on this requirement; and
2) The DOE (p 16) states that " Leakages emissions (LEy) as per the methodology are to be considered if the energy generating equipment is transferred from another activity or if the existing equipment is transferred to another activity. The project activity since involves setting up of a new WTGs, no leakages due to transfer of any equipment has been considered." However, the project activity does not involve in implementing WTG.
3: The DOE shall take due account of all authentic and relevant comments in the verification for the first request for issuance of CERs. (para 392 of VVS for PA version 3)
The DOE states "Not applicable for the present monitoring period" in the section E.10 of the verification report. However, this is the first monitoring period of the project activity of which the global stakeholder consultation is required by para 198 of PCP for PA version 3.
4: The DOE shall determine whether the project participants have addressed the FARs identified during validation or previous verification(s). (Para 320 of VVS of PA version 3)
The DOE states that " No FAR was raised during the validation of the project activity." However, the validation report (p 100) contains two FARs for the first verification.
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