18:38 13 Mar 25
Reminder : call for public comments on the review of the registration and issuance process
Reminder : call for public comments on the review of the registration and issuance process
The Executive Board, at its fifty-second meeting, considered the draft "Procedures for Requests for Registration of a proposed CDM Project Activity", the draft “Procedures for review for requests for registration”, the draft "Procedures for Requests for Issuance of Certified Emission Reductions", the draft “Procedures for review for requests for issuance” , and requested the secretariat to launch a call for inputs from stakeholders on the proposals which had been discussed by the Board. The Board will consider comments received at its next meeting. The call invites inputs between the period starting on 12 February 2010 and closing on 5 March 2010. Link to the call : <https://cdm.unfccc.int/public_inputs/2010/review_proc_rev/index.html> (please log in to submit your input) |
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