SSC Methodologies / Other methodological issues

SSC Methodologies / Other methodological issues

SSC Methodologies

(a) The following proposal on a new SSC methodology has been submitted to the CDM Executive Board for its review and is available for public input
from 30 April - 14 May 2009:

- SSC-NM029: Switching to efficient biogas flaring systems

The above submitted documentation is available under the following link:

(b) New requests for clarification/revision of approved SSC methodologies have been received. Further information on these submissions is available on the UNFCCC CDM web site:

Other methodological issues

(a) The following proposed new methodologies were sent from the Meth Panel through the DOE to the project participants to invite clarifications to the preliminary recommendations and technical clarifications to the following proposed new methodologies were provided:

- NM0258: Metrobus Insurgentes, Mexico City
- NM0266: Mumbai Metro One, India
- NM0293: Mitigation of Methane Emissions in the Charcoal Production of Arcelor Mittal, Brazil
- NM0294: Avoidance of landfill gas emissions by in-situ aeration of landfills

The above submitted documentation is available under the following link:

(b) New requests for revision and new requests for clarification of approved methodologies have been received. Further information on these submissions is available on the UNFCCC CDM web site at: (for revisions) and at (for clarifications)