News Release: National authorities vital to sustainable development

News Release: National authorities vital to sustainable development

Bonn, Germany, 23 March 2012 –- Designated national authorities (DNAs) are vital in the promotion of sustainable development in their home countries using the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), said the co-chair of the DNA Forum.

“During this time we have learned a great deal, including different things to take back to our countries that will help us with how we think and how we act to better promote sustainable development,” said co-chair Giza Martins, from Angola.

Mr. Martins made his comments at the end of a two-day global DNA Forum, which was preceded this week by two days of training. Nearly 100 government representatives gathered for the four days to learn from, and share information with, one another, project developers, non-governmental organizations and staff of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat.

Some of the topics discussed included improving the stakeholder consultation process, the implications of withdrawal of letters of approval, and the co-benefits of the CDM.

The particular focus of this year’s training was on Programmes of Activities (PoA). Under PoA, an unlimited number of similar emission-reduction projects can be administered under a single programme, thus reducing administrative burden and cost. PoA is especially suited to smaller projects that might not be viable on their own, and thus is seen as way to help scale up the CDM in countries that have yet to benefit substantially from the mechanism.

"The back-to-back events gave DNAs an opportunity to learn the latest information on the CDM and to share experience. This experience sharing has a crucial role in enabling the DNAs to better promote and oversee the CDM," said Malin Ahlberg co-Chair of the DNA Forum.

"The forum and the training are an ideal opportunity for the DNAs to learn from the secretariat and each other," Ms. Ahlberg said. "The importance of this peer-to-peer information sharing can’t be underestimated. They provide inspiration and example to one another."

A highlight of the forum was the chance for DNAs to provide input to the CDM Policy Dialogue. DNA representatives answered questions posed by Dialogue panel Chair Mohammed Valli Moosa and member Margaret Mukahanana-Sangarwe. The Dialogue, launched by UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres and the then Chair of the CDM Executive Board, Martin Hession, in Durban in 2011, is to independently take stock of the lessons learned in implementing the CDM and recommend how to position the mechanism going forward.

About the CDM DNA Forum
The CDM DNA Forum was established by the CDM Executive Board in response to a request from the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) at its first session. Its main purpose is to provide opportunities for DNA and National Focal Point representatives to exchange views and share experiences regarding the CDM, and to provide feedback to the CDM Executive Board on relevant issues.

DNA Forums are held bi-annually in Bonn, Germany and back-to-back with CMP sessions. This is the thirteenth meeting of the global DNA Forum.

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