Reminder: Call for public inputs will close on Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Reminder: Call for public inputs will close on Tuesday, 8 March 2011

The Executive Board, at its fifty-ninth meeting, agreed to open a call for public inputs on the "Guidelines for demonstrating additionality of renewable energy projects =<5 MW and energy efficiency projects with energy savings <=20 GWh per year" (EB 54, annex 15) to facilitate the work on the revision and broadening of these guidelines.

Specific issues to be covered include, but are not limited to:

1. Expansion to Type III projects;
2. Application to programme of activities (PoAs) and bundled projects;
3. Appropriateness of the unit thresholds (e.g.750 kW);
4. Definition of communities and primary technologies;
5. Application of the criteria implied in paragraph 2 (d) of the referred guidelines (EB 54, annex 15) for the host country DNAs and the Board to determine specific renewable energy technologies to be additional in the host country.

The Small Scale Working Group (SSC WG), at its thirtieth meeting, shall make a recommendation for the revision and broadening of the above mentioned guidelines, taking into account the public inputs.

Input to this call can be received until 8 March 2011 (24:00 GMT) at


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