04:31 10 Mar 25
Report of EB 32 available
Report of EB 32 available
Please be informed that the report of the thirty-second meeting of the CDM Executive Board (20 - 22 June 2007), including its annexes, is now available on the UNFCCC CDM website. Please refer to <http://cdm.unfccc.int/EB/>. Annexes to the report: -------------- Accreditation -------------- Annex 1 - Process to develop guidelines for DOEs to promote quality and consistency in the validation and verification reports Annex 2 - Procedure for accrediting operational entities by the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism (CDM) (Version 07) -------------- Methodologies -------------- Annex 3 - Approved baseline and monitoring methodology AM0053 (Biogenic methane injection to a natural gas distribution grid) Annex 4 - Approved baseline and monitoring methodology AM0054 (Energy efficiency improvement of a boiler by introducing oil/water emulsion technology) Annex 5 - Approved consolidated methodology ACM0011 (Consolidated baseline methodology for fuel switching from coal and/or petroleum fuels to natural gas in existing power plants for electricity generation) Annex 6 - Revision to the approved consolidated methodology ACM0001 (Consolidated baseline methodology for landfill gas project activities) Annex 7 - Revision to the approved methodology AM0025 (Avoided emissions from organic waste through alternative waste treatment processes) Annex 8 - Approved consolidated methodology ACM0012 (Consolidated baseline methodology for GHG emission reductions for waste gas or waste heat or waste pressure based energy system) Annex 09 - Methodological tool for “estimation of project or leakage emissions from fossil fuel combustion” Annex 10 - Methodological tool for “estimation of project emissions from electricity consumption” Annex 11 - Draft methodology tool for public comments (tool for estimation of emissions from cultivation of biomass) Annex 12 - Modifications to consideration of methodologies Annex 13 - Procedures for submission and consideration of a proposed new methodology (version 12) Annex 14 - Procedures for the revision of an approved baseline or monitoring methodology by the Executive Board (version 08) Annex 15 - Procedures for the submission and consideration of queries regarding the application of approved methodologies by DOEs to the Meth Panel (Version 03) Annex 16 - Revised assessment form “CDM-F-NMas” (version 04) Annex 17 - Revised CDM proposed new methodology: Baseline and Monitoring (CDM-NM, version 02) -------------------------------------------------------- Issues relating to afforestation and reforestation project activities -------------------------------------------------------- Annex 18 - Procedures for submission and consideration for a proposed new baseline and monitoring methodology for afforestation and reforestation project activities (Version 06) Annex 19 - CDM: Proposed new AR methodology assessment form” (F-CDM-AR-NMas ver 03) Annex 20 - Proposed New Baseline and Monitoring Methodologies for A/R (CDM-AR-NM) (Version 03) Annex 21 - Guidelines for Completing the Project Design Document and the Proposed New Methodology for A/R (Version 07) Annex 22 - Revised A/R expert form ("F-CDM-AR-NMex _3d ver 03") Annex 23 - Revised A/R expert form ("F-CDM-AR-NMex _2d ver 03") -------------------------------------------------------- Issues relating to small-scale CDM project activities -------------------------------------------------------- Annex 24 - AMS III.N Avoidance of HFC emissions in rigid Poly Urethane Foam (PUF) manufacturing Annex 25 - Revision of approved methodology AMS I.A Annex 26 - Revision of approved methodology AMS I.B Annex 27 - Revision of approved methodology AMS I.C -------------------------------------------------------- Matters relating to the registration of CDM project activities -------------------------------------------------------- Annex 28 - Scope of review (registration) - Project 0871 Annex 29 - Scope of review (registration) - Project 0890 Annex 30 - Scope of review (registration) - Project 0964 Annex 31 - Scope of review (registration) - Project 0972 Annex 32 - Scope of review (registration) - Project 0977 Annex 33 - Scope of review (registration) - Project 0990 Annex 34 - Scope of review (registration) - Project 1004 Annex 35 - Scope of review (registration) - Project 1016 Annex 36 - Scope of review (registration) - Project 1020 Annex 37 - Scope of review (registration) - Project 1036 ------------------------- Programme of activities ------------------------- Annex 38 - Guidance on the registration of project activities under a programme of activities as a single CDM project activity Annex 39 - Procedures for registration of a programme of activities as a single CDM project activity and issuance of certified emission reductions for a programme of activities ----------- Resources ----------- Annex 40 - Revised CDM-MAP (for technical reasons this annex will be available on Monday 25 June 2007) Annex 41 - Status of resources and pledges to support 2007 CDM activities --------------- Other business --------------- Annex 42 - Provisional agenda for EB33 |
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