JI - Reminder: Open calls regarding Joint Implementation

JI - Reminder: Open calls regarding Joint Implementation

**Please note that in future JI News will be sent through the JI News facility only. To be subscribed to this news facility please visit the JI UNFCCC CDM website at http://ji.unfccc.int/JI_News**

Please be reminded that two calls regarding the work of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee are still open for inputs/applications:

1) Call for experts (appraisals/reviews)

Link: <http://ji.unfccc.int/CallForInputs/CallForExperts/callforexperts_appraisals_review.html>
Closing date: 18 August 2006

2) Call for public input on guidance on criteria for baseline setting and monitoring

Link: <http://ji.unfccc.int/CallForInputs/CallForInputs/PublicInput/index_html>
Closing date: 15 August 2006