CDM Catalogue of Decisions – New search feature added

CDM Catalogue of Decisions – New search feature added

The test-Catalogue of clean development mechanism (CDM) related decisions (test-CoD) now has two search features to help you find the information you need:

1. Tagged search: Under testing since the first test launch, this search feature is designed to find paragraphs that may be relevant to a query, regardless of whether the paragraph contains the exact word(s) of the query.

2. Full-text search: This search feature allows for non-predefined searches of paragraphs containing the exact word(s) of the query.

This new version of test-CoD, including information up to and including the 32nd meeting of the Executive Board of the CDM, can now be accessed at fttp://
As this tool is approaching final implementation, please help us make it the best it can be by sending your comments to