00:57 11 Feb 25
Project participants invited to express interest in using the Online Platform for Voluntary Cancellation of CERS
Project participants invited to express interest in using the Online Platform for Voluntary Cancellation of CERS
CDM Project Participants are invited to express interest in using the online platform for voluntary cancellation of CERs. The platform will enable project participants holding CERs in the CDM registry to offer them for sale to the general public for the purpose of immediate voluntary cancellation. The platform will launch on 22 September 2015, and it will be free of charge for users. To express your interest, please write to <climateneutralnow@unfccc.int> indicating the project/POA number(s) from which you would like to offer CERs. You will receive further instructions on how to use the platform once your request has been received. More information is available at <https://cdm.unfccc.int/Registry/vc_pp.html>. |
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