Ref: New SSC methodology submitted / Other methodological issues

Ref: New SSC methodology submitted / Other methodological issues

(1) SSC Methodologies

(a) The following proposal on a new SSC methodology has been submitted tothe CDM Executive Board for its review and is available for public input from 29 October - 11 November 2008:

- SSC-NM017: Introducing recovery of spent sulphuric acid including pre-concentration, heat recovery and electricity generation to avoid CO2 emissions from its neutralisation with hydrated lime or lime stone

The above submitted documentation is available under the following link:

(b) New requests for clarification/revision of approved SSC methodologies have been received. Further information on these submissions is available on the UNFCCC CDM web site at:

(2) Methodologies

(a) The following proposed new methodologies were sent from the Meth Panel through the DOE to the project participants to invite clarifications to the preliminary recommendations and technical clarifications to the following proposed new methodologies were provided:

- NM0268: Titis Sampurna Semanggi Compressed Natural Gas Project
- NM0269: Cambodia – Rural Electrification and Transmission Project (RETP)
– 220 kV Interconnection between Cambodia and Vietnam
- NM0271: Point of Use Abatement Device to Reduce SF6 emissions in LCD Manufacturing Operations in the Republic of Korea (South Korea)
- NM0272: Second Interconnection Colombia - Ecuador 230 kV
- NM0273: Baseline and monitoring methodology for Coal-oxygen smelting reduction iron-making technology with lumping ore pre-reduction
- NM0275: Methodology for the production of a cement extender from slag and/or the increase in energy efficiency in the production of base metal alloys through the recovery of metal from the slag, as well as the increasing blend in cement

The above submitted documentation is available under the following link:

(b) New requests for revision and new requests for clarification of approved methodologies have been received. Further information on these submissions is available on the UNFCCC CDM web site at:
(for revisions) and at:
(for clarifications).