EB annual report to COP/MOP / Small-scale interface / Annexes Meth 18 report

EB annual report to COP/MOP / Small-scale interface / Annexes Meth 18 report

(1) Annual Report of the EB to the COP/MOP

Please note the "Annual Report of the EB to the COP/MOP" is available as advance copy on the UNFCCC and the UNFCCC CDM web site.

(2) New interface for SSC methodologies submissions and responses by the SSC WG

As requested by the Executive Board, at its twenty-first meeting, submissions of queries and/or proposals for amendments or new categories to the small-scale methodologies, along with the responses provided by the Small-Scale Working Group (SSC-WG) have been made available on the UNFCCC CDM web site. Please visit the main page of the UNFCCC CDM web site or follow the direct link <http://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/SSCmethodologies/Clarifications>.

(3) Report of Meth 18 - Annex 2 and Annex 4 to the report available

Please be informed that the following annexes of the eighteenth meeting of the Meth Panel are now available on the UNFCCC CDM web site:
Annex 2 - Draft re-formatted methodology "Substitution of CO2 from fossil or mineral origin by CO2 from renewable sources in the production
of inorganic compounds" (based on proposed new methodology NM0115)
Annex 4 - Draft consolidated methodology for coal bed methane and coal mine methane capture