05:14 10 Mar 25
2013 CDM photo and video contest launched
2013 CDM photo and video contest launched
WANTED: striking images and simple videos showcasing CDM projects and their related benefits. The UNFCCC secretariat invites you to participate in a contest aimed at highlighting the benefits of the Kyoto Protocol's clean development mechanism (CDM) and the importance of market-based approaches in the international response to climate change. The two categories of the contest – photo and personal video – are meant to inspire participants to communicate a complex message in a way that might surprise, entertain and provoke thought. New this year is the “video phone” category, in which entrants are asked to submit a simple video, recorded by video phone, completing the sentence: “People should know about this CDM project because . . .” Also new this year, UNFCCC is partnering with the International Emission Trading Association (IETA) and Responding to Climate Change (RTCC) to bring more visibility to this contest. Now more than ever, people need to be reminded of the continuing importance of market-based approaches to tackle climate change and the benefits of the CDM. The submission deadline is 30 September, so grab your camera/video phone and start shooting! For more information on the contest visit: <https://cdm.unfccc.int/contest/13/index.html> |
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