04:44 10 Mar 25
New small scale methodologies submitted
New small scale methodologies submitted
------------------------------------------------------------ SSC Methodologies ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) The following proposals on new SSC methodologies have been submitted to the CDM Executive Board for its review and are available for public input from 08 - 21 January 2010: SSC-NM038: Fuel switch in a cogeneration/trigeneration system SSC-NM039: Implementation of Electronic Bus Dispatch System SSC-NM040: Fossil Fuel Switch in Manufacturing of Ceramic Product SSC-NM041: Installation of cogeneration and/or trigeneration systems supplying electricity, chilled water and/or heat SSC-NM042: Avoidance of conventional fuel use by production, sale and consumption of solid biomass products SSC-NM043: Emission reductions by using recycling material instead of raw material SSC-NM044: Emission avoidance by replacing the use of CO2 as Filler Bowl Counter Pressure in the Filling Operations with N2 in a Beverage Industry SSC-NM045: Hydrogen Production by using alternative feedstocks SSC-NM046: Emission reductions by switching from Transplanted to Direct Seeded Rice practice with adjusted water management SSC-NM047: New Methodology for Switching Fossil Fuels at Steel Production Facilities SSC-NM048: Conversion from single cycle to combined cycle power generation The above submitted documentation is available under the following link: http://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/SSCmethodologies/NewSSCMethodologies/index.html (b) New requests for clarification/revision of approved SSC methodologies have been received. Further information on these submissions is available on the UNFCCC CDM website at: http://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/SSCmethodologies/Clarifications/index.html |
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