New small scale methodologies submitted

New small scale methodologies submitted

SSC Methodologies

(a) The following proposals on new SSC methodologies have been submitted to the CDM Executive Board for its review and are available for public input from 08 - 21 January 2010:

SSC-NM038: Fuel switch in a cogeneration/trigeneration system
SSC-NM039: Implementation of Electronic Bus Dispatch System
SSC-NM040: Fossil Fuel Switch in Manufacturing of Ceramic Product
SSC-NM041: Installation of cogeneration and/or trigeneration systems supplying electricity, chilled water and/or heat
SSC-NM042: Avoidance of conventional fuel use by production, sale and consumption of solid biomass products
SSC-NM043: Emission reductions by using recycling material instead of raw material
SSC-NM044: Emission avoidance by replacing the use of CO2 as Filler Bowl Counter Pressure in the Filling Operations with N2 in a Beverage Industry
SSC-NM045: Hydrogen Production by using alternative feedstocks
SSC-NM046: Emission reductions by switching from Transplanted to Direct Seeded Rice practice with adjusted water management
SSC-NM047: New Methodology for Switching Fossil Fuels at Steel Production Facilities
SSC-NM048: Conversion from single cycle to combined cycle power generation

The above submitted documentation is available under the following link:

(b) New requests for clarification/revision of approved SSC methodologies have been received. Further information on these submissions is available on the UNFCCC CDM website at: