05:11 10 Mar 25
Highlights CDM Executive Board, 54th meeting
Highlights CDM Executive Board, 54th meeting
Bonn, 28 May 2010 – The Executive Board of the clean development mechanism (CDM) has adopted new procedures for project registration and CER issuance that should speed up the regulatory process and give project participants greater certainty on processing times. The procedures were developed in response to a mandate from Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, decided in Copenhagen last December, and are part of the Board’s ongoing work to streamline and enhance CDM’s regulatory processes. Also in response to a request from Parties, the Executive Board took an important step to extend the benefits of the mechanism by simplifying the way that small projects can show CDM was an incentive for proceeding with the project, a requirement known as additionality. The simplified modalities adopted by the Board allow for automatic additionality provided that certain criteria are met, based on geographical location, such as remote areas, and beneficiaries, such as communities not connected to an electricity grid. The modalities also allow a country and the Board to agree on criteria by which unique technologies, especially suited to the country’s circumstances, can qualify for automatic additionality. The Board adopted a revised management plan that provides for enhanced resources, including 28 additional posts, and noted a restructuring undertaken by the UNFCCC secretariat aimed at ensuring the highest level of support to the CDM. Based on an external review conducted by McKinsey Company in 2009 and on two policy and planning retreats undertaken by the Board, the restructuring focuses the secretariat’s resources to address the operational challenges posed by the success of the CDM. Among other features, the restructuring has established a unit dedicated to systematic improvement of the mechanism through active engagement with stakeholders. The Board has initiated work to provide loans to expand CDM in countries with fewer than 10 registered projects. The money for the loans, from interest accrued on the mechanism’s reserve funds, will go towards development of project design documents and project validation. Between items in what was another packed agenda, the Board took time to welcome UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer, who will step down from his position on 1 July 2010. “Yvo de Boer has been a strong advocate of the use of mechanisms, like the clean development mechanism, to finance efforts against climate change. He has also been a strong proponent and facilitator of support to the CDM Executive Board,” said Executive Board Chair Clifford Mahlung. “I’d like to thank Yvo for his work in support of the Board, the CDM and the international response to climate change,” said Mr. Mahlung on behalf of the Board. New Annex 1 member welcomed The CDM Executive Board welcomed Maosheng Duan of China, representing non-Annex 1, Asia, to his first meeting. For an updated list of members and alternate members of the CDM Board please visit <http://cdm.unfccc.int/EB/Members/index.html>. Further information about nomination, election and re-election of members and alternate members of the CDM Board can be found in the Rules of procedure of the Executive Board of the CDM. FCCC/KP/CMP/2005/8/Add.1 <http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2005/cmp1/eng/08a01.pdf>. ---------------------------------- Call for public inputs: The CDM Executive Board, at its fifty-fourth meeting, agreed to open a call for public inputs on the specific aspects of a methodology framework for estimating GHG reductions from replacing fuel-based lighting with LED Systems. <https://cdm.unfccc.int/public_inputs/2010/fuel_LED_repl/index.html> (from 28 May 2010 to 25 June 2010). ---------------------------------- For a full report of the meeting see <http://cdm.unfccc.int/EB/index.html>. For further information contact David Abbass <dabbass@unfccc.int>, CDM Public Information Officer, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change secretariat, Bonn, Germany. About the Kyoto Protocol’s clean development mechanism The CDM allows emission-reduction projects in developing countries to earn certified emission reduction (CER) credits, each equivalent to one tonne of CO2. CERs can be traded and sold, and used by industrialized countries to meet a part of their targets under the Protocol. The CDM assists countries in achieving sustainable development and emission reductions, while giving industrialized countries some flexibility in how they meet their emission targets. |
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